Involving People

orkney-babies-sep16Communicating with and involving patients and the general public is a key priority for The Baird Family Hospital and The ANCHOR Centre Project. There are many opportunities for patients, their family members, NHS Grampian staff and the general public to get involved, depending on how YOU would like to contribute. You can take part in surveys, provide feedback on a particular area of the services or comment on plans and designs.

We also have Facebook, Twitter  and Instagram pages – Baird survey Nov16please like and follow us for latest news and developments both in our project and with our Third Sector and research partners locally.

Why not join our email distribution list to be kept up-to-date about
latest news and involvement opportunities as they arise? We look forward to hearing from you!

Please contact us for further information at or call us on 01224 559531 / 01224 559487.